Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dear Child

On April 19,2006 I wrote this poem called Dear Child. It is a summary of scriptures and promises I have read in the Bible that have encouraged my heart and helped me to understand more of who God is and His love for me as His child. I hope it brings encouragement to your heart to know how much God loves you too! :)

Dear Child

Dear Child,

Although you may not know Me, I know you

I knew you before you were born

I formed you and molded you in the palm of My hands

Those same hands of Mine carefully knit you together in your mother’s womb

I watched you as you grew within her and waited patiently for your arrival

When you were born, I greatly rejoiced over you because I created you and you are Mine

I heard you the first time that you cried

I saw your two little eyes open for the first time, the eyes I gave you to see all the beauty I have made

I heard your soft and gentle breath little one as your mother rocked you in her arms

I breathed that air into your lungs and I gave you a desire to one day know Me

I calmed your fears little one as you continued to grow from birth each day and
I held your two tiny hands

I watched you as you took your very first steps

I gave you ears to hear My words of love for you

You are always on My mind.

You are very special to Me dear child because you were made in My image

I know you inside and out and love you deeper than you could ever imagine or comprehend.

My love for you is greater than the numbers of sand upon the seashore and extends farther

Than the east is from the west

There is nothing in this world that can take away My love for you, it never ends.

Look at the number of stars in the night sky, do you see them?

I made those just for you and I know every one of them by name just as I know you and
have called you by name

I have numbered the hairs upon your head and I have numbered your days.

I made you and I desire to spend time with you.

I was there the first time that you prayed and You asked Me to come into your heart and be a part

of your life forever

I rejoiced over your decision to invite Me in and start a relationship with Me

I will be with you always and hold your hand through life's journey

I will be your strength in times of weakness

I have given you a new clean heart and as you

Come to know Me better, I will teach you many things and reveal wonderful things to you

I will guide you and help you to grow and mature into who I have created and made you to be

In times when you run from Me and My teachings, remember this child, that My arms are always open

I will greatly rejoice when you come back to to Me

I am slow to anger and quick to forgive

When you fall down, I will help pick you back up

When you wander down dark roads in life and you lose your way

Call to Me, I will answer you and show you the way

As I teach you and you follow Me,I will reveal wonderful things to you my dear child

In this world of darkness,My Word will be a lamp to your feet and I will be your light

Follow Me and I will shine My light through you so that others who do not know Me yet will see that

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

I have wonderful plans for you dear child and I desire to use you in great ways

When you feel alone and afraid, do not fear because I am with you

My promise to be with you will never change

I weep with you when you are sad and hurting and I rejoice with you in your joys

I am preparing a home for you in Heaven

Someday you and all others who know Me will one day live forever with Me

I know this life is not going to be easy for you; it was not easy for Me either

But take heart my child; I have overcome the world

Remember, my love for you dear child will never change

It is stronger than any storms that will ever come your way.

Be careful and watch out for the evil one, he is dangerous and his goal is to harm you and steal your joy

Keep your faith and trust in Me, I will be with you always

I will be your help in times of need and your strength when you are weak

As you continue to grow older, remember My child

There is nothing you can do that will change My love for you, it is everlasting

I died for you dear child, so that you could have a relationship with Me

I know there will be many times you will fall, stumble, and even run from My teachings

Remember even then, that when you are at your weakest moments in life, I am there and I still love you

When trials come your way, lean on Me, I will help strengthen your faith and build character in you

Do not be afraid to run to Me when you are broken and hurting, I desire to be your Comforter and Healer

There is no burden of yours that is too heavy for me to carry

I want to carry you and mend your heart when you are broken and wounded from the battles of this life

Rely on Me to be your strength, I am here for you always

I will be there for you when you are sad, lonely, scared, and confused.

I will comfort you, hold you, listen to you, weep with you, guide you, and protect you

I will rejoice with you, bless you, and most of all love you

I will always love you dear child

I have known you and loved you since before time began; you are so very precious to Me

Even when you near the end of your journey in life and your body grows old and worn

Remember this, you are still My child and my love for you will never change

Your journey to a new life with Me forever has only just begun

When the time comes to stand at the end of your road and your time on earth comes to an end, I will be there to welcome you home

Until that day comes when I call you home to Me,please share My love with others I put into your life

You have been made by Me for a purpose and a reason. You are not an accident.

I created you to be a shining light of My love in this dark and dying world so that others can know who I am

While it is My desire that no one should be separated from me, sadly many will choose that path that leads to destruction

Take heart my child-I promise to someday return and make all things right and all those who put their faith in Me will one day live with Me in Heaven forever

Hang in there and remember to stay close to Me

I know this life is sometimes very hard for you,but please remember that I will never leave you and remember this most of all dear child-I love you!

Love Your Daddy,
