Sunday, August 25, 2013


So yesterday I had a bit of a scary experience with our yellow lab who is 6.We went to go to a friends house yesterday afternoon to do some baking and let all the dogs play in their backyard together. I had kept checking on our 2 labs to make sure they were behaving themselves and noticed our yellow lab crazy sniffing their bush out in their yard,he was soo intrigued by something on it or in it that he continued to go crazy smelling it(not uncommon for him,he does it all the time in our yard too) so I didn't think much of it until a few hours after I brought them home and I was standing in our bathroom washing some sticky stuff off my hands and looked down the hallway to see him stumbling to walk and his whole body was vibrating(shaking) and he was looking into our bedroom like something was scaring him so I ran over to him.

Nothing was in there so I got in front of him and started calling his name and waving my hand in front of his face and his eyes just stared off and never once did he blink while I clapped my hands and waved them in front of him.I tried to get him to focus on me by calling his name and I told him to come in the living room so I could have him sit down and he didn't move from that spot.
I ran into his room to get him some water because he had been playing outside for hours and even though they had water outside in my friends shaded backyard,sometimes he gets busy playing he forgets to drink some so I thought maybe he had gotten a little dehydrated or had some heat exhaustion so water might help.

As I turned around to leave his room,he had followed me. Even though he was still not blinking and he was stumbling around as if he was drunk..he was hearing my voice so I splashed some water on his face and it was than that I began to wonder if he was maybe having a seizure.

He has never had this happen before. As I got him to sit down while he was still shaking and staring off, I just hugged him and I began to cry.I prayed asking God to heal him and told God I didn't know what to do and that I was worried about him and didn't know what was going on with him. About two minutes or so after I got done praying for our dog,the shaking stopped and he blinked and whatever was going on-he just snapped out of it. He began playing and running around like it never even happened.It left me really shaky for a few minutes just because I thought maybe he was going to die right than and there in my arms. If you know me,you know how much I love our dogs. They have become like my children over the years(especially because we don't have any kids right now) and we are best buds.We do so much together and I couldn't imagine my life without our 2 fun super loving dogs.
While I think he may have had a seizure after doing some research and seeing a video of a dog having a seizure and it looked just like what happened with him,I am not exactly sure what happened or what caused it. I read that seizures could be caused by allergies(which he does have the vet said) and he was going crazy in my friends bush in her backyard so I wondered if maybe he just had an allergic reaction to the plant in her yard or if it was caused by something maybe he licked a poisonous frog outside and those can also cause seizures. If it happens again(hopefully this was his one and only time) we will take him to the vet,but he is now back to himself and I have God to thank for that.

Some people may think it is silly that I pray for my dogs,but He has answered every prayer I have prayed for them which shows me how much God cares about them,even more than I ever could.Aferall- He made them.When I begin to worry about them,I pray. I ask God to help me trust Him and to please calm my anxious heart. Last night after all this happened,I was reminded of some verses I learned as a teenager that have stuck with me over these years. Anytime I begin to feel worried about an event(like last night) and I have had many of these events over the years, God always brings these verses to mind. This one is found in two different books of the Bible. First found in Matthew 10:29-31 it says, "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
The second one which is quite similar is found in Luke 12:6-7 and it says,"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

1 Peter 5:7 says,"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."

Philippians 4:6-7 says,"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

I am so thankful that God cares for my animals even more so than I ever could,but even more importantly I am thankful for how much He cares for me as His child. Even though there are many times when I forget to trust Him and I DO worry a lot,it is comforting to be reminded how much God cares for the things that matter to me,like my silly yellow dog! It is amazing to be reminded that I can come to Him with my worries and it is soo true,His peace that He gives is beyond understanding and I can't even begin to describe it.When I come to Him with my worries,He calms my anxious heart with His Words and His love-all because He cares.
I just love that I can go to my Creator with anything and everything and not be afraid to tell him what is really on my heart even if it is ugly.I don't have to hide from Him. I really just wish I wouldn't worry soo much.It is an area in my heart I need to just keep surrendering to Him to let Him change and as He continues to change me and I continue to trust Him more,I am sure I will worry much less.


  1. There is a difference between concern and worry so don't be too hard on yourself.

  2. I don't think it's silly that you pray! Keep it up:-)
