Thursday, August 15, 2013

Costa Rica Trip

Hi everyone! Well,I finally caved and created a blog which is something I have wanted to do for quite some time now but just never knew what I would even write about in a blog,but anyways here I am! Please bear with me as I try to figure out how this thing works.Just to give you a little background on why I chose the name Real Zoe,I have always loved the name Zoe,which means Life so my blog name RealZoe means Real Life. It is just something I thought to be quite fitting for sharing my real zoe(life)experiences on this blog with you.
I wanted to start off by saying welcome and share a little bit about who I am. My name is Amber.I am 26 years old and I have been married to my best friend James for nearly 7 years now.We have two fun loving labs Midnight(our black lab) and Bentley(our yellow lab).My husband and I love to travel and have done quite a bit over the past 6+years of being married and are now currently living in our 3rd state together,Utah.This last week we took our first trip out of the country together to Costa Rica,which was a super neat and eye opening experience,one I will never forget! We went out there to celebrate my husband passing his multi commercial engine license exams over a week ago! A big accomplisment for him! :)
What an adventure it was to travel to another country where we weren't fluent in their language and the culture was so different. Our first day there,we drove from San Jose Costa Rica to the La Paz Waterfall Gardens which was an hour drive away and so beautiful! Some of the highlights of that day were hiking to the 4 different waterfalls within the park,holding live toucans on our arm, having a little monkey hold my hand, walking through the butterfly garden where we had never seen so many butterflies in our life, and being followed by coatis who wanted my rice crispy treat snack more than I did! All of those things were not something I get to experience everyday in the United States,it was soo neat! That night we drove to Guanacasta which is a 4 hour drive and remained there until the end of our trip and we made the 4 hour drive back to San Jose to head home. Our second day there we hung out at the beach quite a bit,walked around the town in Tamarindo where I tried a blackberry,coconut,banana smoothie which was super yummy and we went to a sushi bar that night back at the hotel where we met some people our age who were visiting from Michigan and we all talked and visited for over 4 hours,that was fun.
The people of Costa Rica were very friendly,but a lot of them didn't speak very much English so it was a little challenging for someone like me who hadn't brushed up on her Spanish in quite some time,but I learned a lot! This trip made me realize just how much I take for granted living in the United States and how blessed we really are and how much we complain a lot as Americans. The people there do not have much,yet they are very happy and thankful and even very generous with what they do have and they smile a lot and try their best to communicate with you and help you with any questions you have.I hope to someday go back there,I already miss it! I do not miss the driving out there,people drive out there quite differently than in the US and would be considered a huge danger driving on US roads. We only spent a week out there but I am still getting used to the roads back in the states not being quite as rough as out there and instead of miles per hour,they use kilometers per hour. Even the cars have the speedometers set to kilometers rather than miles. It was very interesting. They also don't use much of american money so we had to figure out their money system out there which was quite different than ours. Overall it was a very unique and memorable trip! Here are some pictures of our adventures out in Costa Rica this past week.
                                             Playing in the sand in Tamarindo
 At the Playa Langosta-this beach was so secluded that we were the only ones there,it was beautiful watching the sunset with my husband
At the La Paz Waterfall Garden,one of the 4 beautiful waterfalls we saw on our hike in the park

Holding a beautiful butterfly in the butterfly garden at La Paz Park

This Coati REALLY wanted my rice crispy treat,it kept following us, eventually I caved and shared : 
Holding a pretty butterfly

My husband holding a toucan
Holding a toucan

La Paz with my best friend :)

La Paz :)

These bulls were pulling a cart around the La Paz park and let us pet them

 Bull Ride
This wild spider monkey was just hanging out in a tree in the town of Tamarindo while we were eating breakfast one morning while in Costa Rica

We saw hundreds of dogs walking the streets just doing their own thing with no leashes or collars while in Costa Rica,these two cuties were just hanging out and chillin on the beach with us

This iguana was right outside our hotel door
It was fun for us to relax out on the hammocks at the hotel

 Overall, we had a great trip and a very memorable time together in Costa Rica. We hope to someday soon go back there and visit again! Hopefully we will know more spanish next time! :)
I hope you all have a great night!

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